Potty training is tough and a big old mess. You’ve got the pee handled and possibly even #2 but can you imagine a world where your toddler knows how to wipe their own butt? A world where they don’t come running to you when they need help after pooping? That would be glorious!
I’m going to tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel and your life can be whole again! Continue reading on How to Teach Your Toddler to Wipe Their Own Butt!
How to Teach Your Toddler to Wipe Their Own Butt
#1. Help your toddler at first.
Don’t leave your toddler to fend for themselves. Help your toddler wipe their butt for their first couple of weeks. You’ve been there and you know it can be tough. As you help your toddler wipe their own butt, talk them through the steps of it all. Let them know how they do each step.
#2. Help your toddler understand they must be done pooping.
Your toddler cannot wipe in the middle of pooping or at the start, they have to be all of the way done. Make sure you emphasize this when teaching them.
#3. Emphasize front to back.
If you don’t let your toddler know that they need to wipe from front to back, it could be disastrous. Make sure your child knows how to do this. Wiping from front to back also helps to eliminate the spread of bacteria.
#4. Use flushable wipes.
When potty training toddlers and teaching them to wipe, it is much easier to use flushable wipes. The thing about toilet paper is that it sticks to everything, which isn’t always good when you’re first learning to wipe your own booty. Using flushable wipes, you can get more of the mess cleaned up, in a quicker time frame.
#5. Give it some time.
No toddler is going to be a pro at wiping their butt in just a matter of days. Stick with it and in no time your toddler will be the best butt wiper on the planet. Just think of the freedom you will have when your toddler can wipe their butt and everyone else’s toddler still cannot. O’ the freedom that lies ahead!
#6. Use a reward system.
Something you may want to keep in mind when it comes to teaching your toddler to wipe their own butt is a reward system. When your toddler does their best with wiping their own booty, a sticker or a piece of chocolate is always nice. It motivates them to want to make do a good job the next time they wipe their own butt.
Teaching someone to wipe their own butt isn’t always the easiest thing, but at the end of the day, it’s worth it. What are some tips you have to teaching your toddler to wipe their own butt? I’d love to hear your tips!
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