Are you wanting to become friends with your mother-in-law? Perhaps you even want to become best friends with her. Whatever your reasons or motives are—it is possible to become friends with your mother-in-law. After all, whether you like it or not, your mother-in-law is going to be around for a long time. It only makes sense to make sure you do what you can to be on her good side and make things much easier on your husband. So let’s chat over some coffee about How to Become Friends with Your Mother-In-Law.

How to Become Best Friends with Your Mother-in-Law
#1. Ask her over for coffee.
Everyone loves coffee so why not invite her over, so you can talk about anything and everything. Okay, maybe not everyone (some things should be left between you and your spouse) but letting her hear your heart and letting her into your life (even just a little) can really help your relationship with her.
#2. Listen to her talk.
Mother-in-law’s get a bad rap just because they care deeply about their sons. They want to know that their sons are well cared for, taken care of, and the new woman in his life is ready to take on the role of being just as loving as she is. Listen to her when she talks and more importantly, don’t assume everything that comes out her mouth is bad.
#3. Don’t assume she’s out to get you.
The worst thing you can do is assume your mother-in-law hates you just because you are the women with her son. Yes, some mother-in-laws can be overly protective even if their son’s are grown men but most of them welcome a new woman in their son’s life. In the end, she wants see her son happy and he married YOU for a reason. So cut her some slack and don’t allow some assumption ruin chances of you being friends with her.
#4. Do something nice for her.
Go out of your way for her. Bring her breakfast, a cup of coffee, or even spend the day with her. You do the same for your best friends in life, right? So do the same for your new mom (she’s your mom now too). She will be grateful and happy and you will win her over in no time!
#5. Take interest in her hobbies.
Maybe your mother in law has a hobby of gardening or even exercising. Ask her if you can join her! Nothing creates a better bond than meeting someone on their level. You never know what your mother in law can teach you about her favorite things in life and who knows, you two might have more in common then you think!
#6. Treat her son right.
In the end, all that truly matters to your mother-in-law is how you treat her son. She wants the best for him and if that’s you – you have the ultimate way in. Give her son respect, love, and show that you care and in return you will get the same from her.
When it comes to being friends with your mother in law, there is no magical potion to make that happen. By being genuine and trying a few of our suggestions, you will be on your way to an everlasting friendship and relationship before you know it.

What other tips would you offer to someone trying to become friends with their mother in law?